Mörktober Week 02

 We're at day 14 of Mörktober and I'm sick as a pig! Managed to catch a cold—I think whilst running a game of Mörk Borg this weekend in fact—and it is currently setting my brain on fire in the entirely bad way. So—forgive me for being brief—but here is how the week went.

Day 08 - Tome

Day 09 - Veil

Day 09 was the first (and so far only) day where I failed to manage completing my idea, but the form is there. I will come back to this at some point in the month, if not after.

Day 10 - Bats

Day 11 - Thirteen

Day 12 - Serpent

Day 13 - Chains

I think this was the day that my cold started to affect my energy, even if it wasn't causing any outward symptoms yet. I just needed something quick and thought I was burning out. Turns out I was burning up.

Day 14 - Tomb

And the final day of the second week (is it weird ending this on a Monday?) I'd like to get a bit more done with the spacing of the text, but for now my brain says no, mostly because it is on fire.

On to the third week and I can't believe I'm keeping this energy up so far. Once again, you can find daily posts of these on my social media places, as well as on the Mörk Borg discord where many. many others are taking part. There's been so much excellent stuff so far, and I'm thinking about finishing this month off with a collection of all the stuff I have found amazing over the month.
